The Purpose

Pujya Gurudev had two clear aims for the ashram in Sidhbari. First, the…

The Place

Sidhbari means the abode of Siddha Purushas (the spiritually enlightened).…

Hanuman Mastakabhishekam

IntroductionAwe-inspiring, alert, and magnificent, Vayuputra Shri…

Sidhbari, Hanumanji, and Gurudev

The Sankalpa for SidhbariSidhbari means the abode of Siddha Purushas (the…

Interview with Shilpi

The SculptorShri Kashinath ShilpiShri Kashinath Shilpi, a renowned…

Sidhbari Intro

Invoking Gurudev's Grace, we attempt to highlight the beautiful landmarks and…

A Treasure Trove

Editor's noteJust as the magazine was getting ready to go to the…

Monk and the Dacoit

By V. PANOLYThe way to mount Kailas was long and lonely; it was touched by…

Mandukya Upanishad

By Swami TapovanamThis message dated 26th October 1953 was sent by…

Tapovanam-The Hermit Poet

T.N.K PillaiSri T.N. Kesava Pillai was the person who translated…