Noble as the beginning was, it required labor, penance, and patience. Steadily, with Pujya Gurudev’s astute guidance at every step, the barren hillock in the Kangra valley slowly transformed into Chinmaya Tapovan, Sidhbari.
Pujya Gurudev’s resolve was divine, and His vision held clear conviction. Where everyone else saw a bald hill, Pujya Gurudev sighted great potential! Noble as the beginning was, it required labor, penance, and patience. In the tapas to procure the barren land from the government, a devotee Col. L.S. Pathania persevered, and soon the Chinmaya Tapovan Trust (CTT) was formed on March 24th, 1977 and registered under the Society Registration Act xx1 of 1860 with Sri Jagadeesh Prasad and a dedicated team to fulfill the noble purpose of spiritual learning and noble service. To commence construction, Bhoomi Puja was done on the auspicious Guru Poornima day of July 10th, 1979.

The initial years were full of challenges like poor road access, intermittent electricity, and difficulty with water supply; it was almost past the September of 1979 that work actually began onsite. Yet, when Pujya Gurudev voiced his sankalpa for the ashram inauguration to be on April 24th, 1981, his faith energized all to work together and complete construction of most of the initial buildings within 18 months despite two bitterly cold winters and heavy monsoon rains.
In the following years, infrastructure kept growing rapidly in the ashram. Every building that came up was carefully overseen by Pujya Gurudev. Devotees still speak in awe about His Yoga-in-Action when he was totally involved in the smallest detail but operated from a lofty undisturbed height.
In front of the Satsang Hall, Gurudev planned an open plaza for major events. “In front of Satsang Hall, let the stage be raised in such a way that the audience will face the snow peaks.”
The deep foresight in planning the best backdrop for the Satsang Hall along with an auspicious, intricately decorated entrance, the vigilant supervision of the Kutiya construction, the brilliant vision behind His sketch of Sidhbari Veera Hanumanji – His precision in anything was not just about physical perfection but a greater fulfillment.
Countless were such instances when devotees could see Gita teachings come alive in every step of Pujya Gurudev. The barren hillock in the Kangra valley slowly transformed into Chinmaya Tapovan, Sidhbari.
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Sidhbari Kutiya
A focal point of Sidhbari, Pujya Gurudev’s Kutiya holds deep meaning for devotees and spiritual seekers. In this section, we present important artefacts and…
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Sidhbari Ashram
Chinmaya Tapovan ashram in Sidhbari shines as the crest-jewel of Chinmaya Mission where the Grace of the Guru awakens the thirst for Knowledge ripened with devotion.
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The Purpose
Pujya Gurudev had two clear aims: first, to spread the essence of the scriptures among the Hindi-speaking people of the Himalayan region and North India and…