The 50th anniversary edition of Tapovan Prasad (December 2011) was entirely dedicated to our Paramaguru Swami Tapovan Maharaj. It is a treasure trove of prose and poetry from Swami Tapovanam’s pen, as well as reminiscences by Pujya Gurudev and others. In this section of the website we have reproduced some of those articles for the benefit of our readers today and for generations to come.
Select an article below.
Editors Note – Dec 2011
On the eve of our Golden Jubilee Year, we seek our Paramaguru Swami Tapovan Maharaj's blessings by dedicating the entire issue to him.
Kathopanishad Message
This eight-page message was sent by Swami Tapovan Maharaj during the Jnana Yajna on Kathopanishad held in Delhi from from September 26 to November 26, 1954.
Mandukya Upanishad
Swami Tapovan Maharaj sent this message to our Pujya Gurudev, Swami Chinmayananda, on the occasion of his Jnana Yajna on the Mandukya Upanishad which was held…
In this article Pujya Gurudev fondly shares some memories of his Guru, Swami Tapovan Maharaj. This article was published in the December 1971 edition of…
One Goal – Many Paths
Swami Tapovan Maharaj beautifully and concisely explains how the three paths of Bhakti, Karma Yoga and Yoga all help to cleanse the mind, rendering it capable…
Real Bhava in Service
In this article Pujya Gurudev fondly shares some memories of his Guru, Swami Tapovan Maharaj. This article was published in the December 1971 edition of…
Song for Swami Sivananda
Swami Tapovanam had composed a poem in honor of Swami Sivananda on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. Our thanks to Swami Padmanabhananda of Divine Life…
Light of the Himalayas
This article by Swami Sivananda about Swami Tapovanam was originally published in a Shraddhanjali Souvenir in the year 1958 by Sri P. Krishnan Pillai (Swami…
Tapovanam-The Hermit Poet
Sri T.N. Kesava Pillai who translated Swami Tapovanam's Malayalam book Himagiri Vihar into English, shares some of the insights he gained in the process of…
Monk and the Dacoit
The way to mount Kailas was long and lonely; it was touched by eternal silence. One day, through this lonely region, a monk was going for the darshan of mount…
Para Bhakti
The experience of the pure Brahman, is pure devotion – Parā Bhakti, says Swami Tapovan Maharaj. Originally written in Sanskrit for the Vedanta volume of…
A Treasure Trove
It was sheer Grace that just before the magazine was going to press, four precious letters of Swami Tapovan Maharaj were unearthed. These letters were…
Through the Mists of Time
Swami Chinmayananda loved and revered his Guru, Swami Tapovanji Maharaj. At every jnana yajna, he had the picture of his Guru on the stage. And Tapovanji…
Related Topics
Swami Tapovanam
"A God without temples, a Veda without language, a monumental expression of an ideal Vedantic Teacher." Thus did Swami…
Swami Tapovan Artefacts
Being the epitome of Vairagya, Swami Tapovanam had very few possessions. Here we present a few of these treasured artefacts that…
Swami Tapovanam Photos
Here we present various photographs of Swami Tapovan Maharaj that are preserved at Chinmaya Archives. We request that you seek permission…

The 50th anniversary edition of Tapovan Prasad (December 2011) was entirely dedicated to our Paramaguru Swami Tapovan Maharaj. It is a treasure trove of prose and poetry from Swami Tapovanam’s pen, as well as reminiscences by Pujya Gurudev and others. In this section of the website we have reproduced some of those articles for the benefit of our readers today and for generations to come.
Editors Note – Dec 2011
On the eve of our Golden Jubilee Year, we seek our Paramaguru Swami Tapovan Maharaj's blessings by dedicating the entire issue to him.
Kathopanishad Message
This eight-page message was sent by Swami Tapovan Maharaj during the Jnana Yajna on Kathopanishad held in Delhi from from September 26 to…
Mandukya Upanishad
Swami Tapovan Maharaj sent this message to our Pujya Gurudev, Swami Chinmayananda, on the occasion of his Jnana Yajna on the Mandukya…
In this article Pujya Gurudev fondly shares some memories of his Guru, Swami Tapovan Maharaj. This article was published in the December…
One Goal – Many Paths
Swami Tapovan Maharaj beautifully and concisely explains how the three paths of Bhakti, Karma Yoga and Yoga all help to cleanse the mind,…
Real Bhava in Service
In this article Pujya Gurudev fondly shares some memories of his Guru, Swami Tapovan Maharaj. This article was published in the December…
Song for Swami Sivananda
Swami Tapovanam had composed a poem in honor of Swami Sivananda on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. Our thanks to Swami…
Light of the Himalayas
This article by Swami Sivananda about Swami Tapovanam was originally published in a Shraddhanjali Souvenir in the year 1958 by Sri P.…
Tapovanam-The Hermit Poet
Sri T.N. Kesava Pillai who translated Swami Tapovanam's Malayalam book Himagiri Vihar into English, shares some of the insights he gained…
Monk and the Dacoit
The way to mount Kailas was long and lonely; it was touched by eternal silence. One day, through this lonely region, a monk was going for…
Para Bhakti
The experience of the pure Brahman, is pure devotion – Parā Bhakti, says Swami Tapovan Maharaj. Originally written in Sanskrit for the…
A Treasure Trove
It was sheer Grace that just before the magazine was going to press, four precious letters of Swami Tapovan Maharaj were unearthed. These…
Through the Mists of Time
Swami Chinmayananda loved and revered his Guru, Swami Tapovanji Maharaj. At every jnana yajna, he had the picture of his Guru on the stage.…
Related Topics
Swami Tapovanam
"A God without temples, a Veda without language, a monumental expression of an ideal Vedantic Teacher." Thus did Swami…
Swami Tapovan Artefacts
Being the epitome of Vairagya, Swami Tapovanam had very few possessions. Here we present a few of these treasured artefacts that…
Swami Tapovanam Photos
Here we present various photographs of Swami Tapovan Maharaj that are preserved at Chinmaya Archives. We request that you seek permission…