By Swami Tapovanam
On the occasion of the sixtieth birthday of Swami Sivananda Maharaj, Swami Tapovanam had composed this poem in honor of that great Mahatma. Our thanks to Swami Padmanabhananda of Divine Life Society for finding and publishing this song.

By Swami Tapovanam
On the occasion of the sixtieth birthday of Swami Sivananda Maharaj, Swami Tapovanam had composed this poem in honor of that great Mahatma. Our thanks to Swami Padmanabhananda of Divine Life Society for finding and publishing this song.
Śrī Śivānanda Şaștyabdapūrti Şațkaṁ
गुरुर्बहूनां बहुशिक्षितानां गुरुस्त्रिलोक्याश्च शिवस्वरूपः॥१॥
jīyācca jīvyācciramatra dhīraḥ śivo ya ānandakuṭīravāsī.
gururbahūnāṃ bahuśikṣitānāṃ gurustrilokyāśca śivasvarūpaḥ (1)
May this hero who is the form of blessedness and auspiciousness, the dweller of Ananda Kutir, the Guru of many learned men, the Guru of the three worlds, triumph and live long.
तद्दिव्यसज्जीवनशिक्षकोऽयं जीयान्महाचार्यवरः शतब्दान् ॥२॥
yajjīvanaṃ tīvratapaḥ prabhavāt svenānubhūtaṃ caritaṃ ca samyak .
taddivyasajjīvanaśikṣako’yaṃ jīyānmahācāryavaraḥ śatabdān (2)
May that teacher of the real divine life, that best among great preceptors, whose life has been properly lived and experienced through personal austerity of the extreme type, live for a hundred years.
जयतु जयतु विद्यौदार्यवीर्याम्बुराशिः।
जयतु जयतु भूमौ भारतज्याविभूतिर्-
जयतु जयतु दीर्घम् श्रीशिवानन्द योगी ॥३॥
jayatu jayatu jaitra śrīyutaḥ premamūrtir-
jayatu jayatu vidyaudāryavīryāmburāśiḥ.
jayatu jayatu bhūmau bhāratajyāvibhūtir-
jayatu jayatu dīrgham śrīśivānanda yogī (3)
Victory! Victory be unto the triumphant and auspicious embodiment of love! Victory! Victory be to the ocean of courage and generosity! Victory! Victory be to the wealth of Bharatavarsha! Victory! Victory be forever to yogi Sri Sivananda!
सत्यं निःस्पृहकर्म भक्तिररातिर्योगश्च तत्त्वास्थितिः।
इत्येवं विधदेवधर्ममधुरा शिक्षस्वतां स्वामिनः
शश्वत् क्लिश्यति चात्रजीवति शिवस्तातोपमस्त्वत्कृते ॥४॥
re re mānuṣa daivasaṃpadiha yā mokṣapradā dehināṃ
satyaṃ niḥspṛhakarma bhaktirarātiryogaśca tattvāsthitiḥ.
ityevaṃ vidhadevadharmamadhurā śikṣasvatāṃ svāminaḥ
śaśvat kliśyati cātrajīvati śivastātopamastvatkṛte (4)
O Man! Real divine wealth which bestows final liberation on the embodied ones here is fourfold: disinterested service, devotion, yoga and knowledge of the Reality. Acquire this precious divine wealth from Swami Siva, for he like a father, is ever troubling himself throughout his life for your sake.
धन्या सा द्राविडी भू ऋषिमुनिजननी भारती चापि धन्या।
धन्या कुब्जाम्रकाभूरथ तुहिनगिरिः स्निग्धकाश्चास्मदाद्या
लब्धो यस्मादिनोद्यद्दयुति शिवयतिसंपर्कसौभाग्यलाभः॥५॥
dhanyā mātā ca dhanyaṃ kulamatha taṭinī tāmraparṇī ca dhanyā
dhanyā sā drāviḍī bhū ṛṣimunijananī bhāratī cāpi dhanyā.
dhanyā kubjāmrakābhūratha tuhinagiriḥ snigdhakāścāsmadādyā
labdho yasmādinodyaddayuti śivayati-saṃparka-saubhāgya-lābhaḥ (5)
Blessed is (his) mother. Blessed is (his) family. Blessed is the river Tamraparni. Blessed is the Tamil country. Blessed is Hindustan
(Bharata), the mother of saints and sages. Blessed is Rishikesh. Blessed is the Himalayas. Blessed are friends (of his), like me, who
have gained the joy of the company and intimacy with Swami Sivananda, whose light is just like the light of the rising sun.
श्चादिष्टं यद्वरिष्ठं सुखपदमभयं जीवनं दिव्यमेकम्।
लोके तद्वृद्धिहेतोस्तदभिनव गुरोर्जीवनं श्रीशिवेन्द्र-
स्यारोग्यं चापि दीर्घम् जनधननिचयं हे नराः प्रार्थयध्वम् ॥६॥
lakṣyaṃ kāṃkṣyaṃ narāṇāṃ nikhilamunivarairvedikairvedabāhyai-
ścādiṣṭaṃ yadvariṣṭhaṃ sukhapadamabhayaṃ jīvanaṃ divyamekam.
loke tadvṛddhihetostadabhinava gurorjīvanaṃ śrīśivendra-
syārogyaṃ cāpi dīrgham janadhananicayaṃ he narāḥ prārthayadhvam (6)
The aim and the object of man here, as declared by all sages of the Vedic and non-Vedic periods, the best, peace bestowing, peerless life is one, and that is divine. To propound the glory of this divine life, its new teacher, Sri Sivananda exists here. For his long life and for his disciples and workers, pray now, O men on earth!
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In this article Pujya Gurudev fondly shares some memories of his Guru, Swami Tapovan Maharaj. This article was published in…
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Light of the Himalayas
This article by Swami Sivananda about Swami Tapovanam was originally published in a Shraddhanjali Souvenir in the year 1958…
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Homage to Sri Swami Tapovanam
The 50th anniversary edition of Tapovan Prasad (December 2011) was entirely dedicated to our Paramaguru Swami Tapovan…