With a rich fund of experience from his observations of life and people, Pujya Gurudev had very valuable advice to offer, tailored to the requirements of the given individual. He describes an ideal marriage:

The newly wed couple,
Jai Jai Jagadeeswara!
Marriage is for life – to live in total companionship with each other. The attempt is to feel a merger of each with the other all through your life’s ups and downs.
It is possible only if each of you expect nothing from the other, and each is wishing to “give” to the other. In such a selfless relationship, the two entities merge to become one – and the harmony so born is the reward of a successful marriage.
I wish you both all success and joy.
Swami Chinmayananda

Sudheer and Manju,
Secret of happy married life is in discovering mutual harmony. This rises when each lives expecting nothing to get from the other. Each only wants to give to the other.
This is the Hindu Family Bliss. May you both learn to live in this joy with hearts flowing in love for each other and the Lord.
Thy Own Self
Swami Chimayananda
25. Jan. 1979
To a young girl about to get married, Pujya Gurudev writes:

Realize that you are entering a great and noble life in which adjustment through love and accommodation through understanding alone are the means for harmony and joy. Make the life of both of you a beautiful poem. You have the ability and the necessary tact.
Swami Chinmayananda
The strength of matrimonial togetherness in handling the challenges in life is appreciated and highlighted by Pujya Gurudev:

It was a pleasure to receive both the invitation cards for your marriage. May Jagadeeswara’s blessings be ever upon you both and all that are yours.
Whatever Lord does to us has each its own message to us. To recognise it and to live joyously is spiritual life. to confuse it as His unkindness is our delusion and ignorance.
Be grateful to those who out of their love and vanity gave you both so much of agony. But you both have stood the test beautifully. Siva-Siva! This has been a training to know how both of you together can face any amount of challenges in life. This is true meaning and purpose of marriage. Material and worldly ups and downs are to be expected. They come and go. In their stormy play when you are holding firmly your hands together each can give to the other a steady balance.
This is the significance when Hindus consider their wife as SAHA-DHARMA-CHARINI = A companion to live together in DHARMA.
Swami Chinmayananda
With a rich fund of experience from his observations of life and people, Pujya Gurudev had very valuable advice to offer, tailored to the requirements of the given individual. He describes an ideal marriage:

The newly wed couple,
Jai Jai Jagadeeswara!
Marriage is for life – to live in total companionship with each other. The attempt is to feel a merger of each with the other all through your life’s ups and downs.
It is possible only if each of you expect nothing from the other, and each is wishing to “give” to the other. In such a selfless relationship, the two entities merge to become one – and the harmony so born is the reward of a successful marriage.
I wish you both all success and joy.
Swami Chinmayananda

Sudheer and Manju,
Secret of happy married life is in discovering mutual harmony. This rises when each lives expecting nothing to get from the other. Each only wants to give to the other.
This is the Hindu Family Bliss. May you both learn to live in this joy with hearts flowing in love for each other and the Lord.
Thy Own Self
Swami Chinmayananda
25. Jan. 1979

To a young girl about to get married, Pujya Gurudev writes:
Realize that you are entering a great and noble life in which adjustment through love and accommodation through understanding alone are the means for harmony and joy. Make the life of both of you a beautiful poem. You have the ability and the necessary tact.
Swami Chinmayananda

The strength of matrimonial togetherness in handling the challenges in life is appreciated and highlighted by Pujya Gurudev:
It was a pleasure to receive both the invitation cards for your marriage. May Jagadeeswara’s blessings be ever upon you both and all that are yours.
Whatever Lord does to us has each its own message to us. To recognise it and to live joyously is spiritual life. to confuse it as His unkindness is our delusion and ignorance.
Be grateful to those who out of their love and vanity gave you both so much of agony. But you both have stood the test beautifully. Siva-Siva! This has been a training to know how both of you together can face any amount of challenges in life. This is true meaning and purpose of marriage. Material and worldly ups and downs are to be expected. They come and go. In their stormy play when you are holding firmly your hands together each can give to the other a steady balance.
This is the significance when Hindus consider their wife as
SAHA-DHARMA-CHARINI = A companion to live together in DHARMA.
Swami Chinmayananda

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