Jnana Yajna 10

Year & Dates:
April 14, 1955 to May 04, 1955

Yajna Topic:

Mattancherry, India.
In the diverse crowd, the youth outnumbered the old. They came eagerly, forgetting for 21 days, the thrills of their usual pastimes like sports, cinema, or fun get-togethers. Women of all ages hurried to the front rows, knowing that they too belonged in the Vedantic discussions. This was another cornerstone achievement of Pujya Gurudev – to open the portals of Vedanta to the young and old, to women as much as men. From a varied audience of 300 seated on the sand-floored yajnashala on the inaugural day to 1500 spilling over extensions added on the sides in a week, the scene was getting familiar.
A Charismatic, Universal Appeal
The trend set in the very first yajna in Pune was becoming the norm by the tenth Jnana Yajna in Mattancherry, Kerala. Hearing Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda reintroduce the ancient truths of Hinduism in a relatable, catchy way, the audience understood the great relevance of scriptures in daily life. From the scholars to the simple-minded, each one resonated with Pujya Gurudev’s way of expression. The scholars were astounded at His breadth of scriptural knowledge. The scientists, businessmen, lawyers, and administrators were surprised at the way He kept abreast of latest advancements, economic, and societal changes. The women, whether at home or office, were convinced that Pujya Gurudev was their cherished spokesperson. The youth were captivated by His charisma, his fearless, sharp wit, and His approachability. The old were relieved that Hinduism had found its commanding voice. His striking similes, detailed examples, dramatic stories, and animated jokes – His every expression with undiluted Vedanta touched hearts and transformed lives. He encouraged, instructed, comforted, and uplifted – In Mattancherry too, He was the center of attraction, as He let the verses of Kenopanishad flow in and through the receptive minds of His adoring audience.
In Admiration
Mrs. Janaki Menon’s impressions of the Mattancherry Yajna:
This 21 days Yajna was a milestone in the spiritual progress and awakening of the town. People who once prided themselves upon their atheistic and materialistic beliefs had suddenly become ardent supporters of Swamiji and his methods. Unlike the teachers of the old, Chinmaya examines the Vedas and the Upanishads, which form the foundation of Hinduism, in the cold light of scientific reasoning, and with dispassionate and critical analysis their validity is tested.
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“Think,” Says Pujya Gurudev
A salt-doll tied to a string and dipped into the ocean will not come back when pulled up to report the depth!! The doll gets melted into the very form of the ocean; the salt-doll was ever the ocean; it was born from the ocean. But it had for a period an identity of its own and a form. But once having reached the bosom of its own “Nature” and remaining there for a time, it becomes the very ocean that it Eternally was!!
That is, the doll-ego which exists as a superimposition upon Truth, Pure Salt, assumes for a time certain false forms and names. But when actually at last it entered the mass of its own nature it got merged there with its own svaroopa.
From Kenopanishad Yajna Prasad, p. 153, 154
All efforts in meditation are only for the beginner; a swimmer drowns and gulps down water only during the first days of his learning himself to float in water! Having mastered his art, a rope dancer is bored to repeat night after night his acrobatic and feats of balance although he must have had his own falls and bruises, thrills and joys, during his attempts at mastering his art. Similarly, a meditator may have a struggle to keep his mind in balance and in peace in his early attempts but ere long, as he gains more and more confidence and balance, he shall with a joyous ease float into himself, and there, in an effortless effort meet face to face with the One, his own self.
From Kenopanishad Yajna Prasad, p. 195
Chant for an Alert, Vigilant Mind
Unlock the secrets of success with the powerful chant of sahanaavavatu. This enlightening excerpt from Kenopanishad talk series from Houston, 1981 explores the deep meaning behind the invocation verse or shaanti paatha, guiding both the teacher and student toward an alert and vigilant state of mind. Join us on this spiritual quest for knowledge, wisdom, and ultimate success.