Jnana Yajna 104

Year & Dates:
May 23, 1962 to June 12, 1962

Yajna Topic:
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita- Chapter 3

Chittor, India
“We believe that the only way to inaugurate Swamiji’s second Yajna at Chittoor would be through the remembrance and recollection of the knowledge given to us by Swamiji during the first Yajna. We only have a few words of welcome to say but really, Swamiji, how are we to welcome one like you? You are free as the wind that moves unfettered over hills and dales, plains and plateaus. You have the flight of an eagle that soars upon light wings into regions ethereal, and you come down in your kindness and love to our level only to cleanse from the face of this land the ignorance that is ours, and that collects in the Yajnashalas anticipating redemption through you. You come and go lightly and lovingly. It is only we that have broken the expanse of time into fragments, and that thereby suffer the bondage of experience; and for us alone there are welcomes and farewells.” Thus Sri V. Dwarkanath Reddy welcomed Pujya Gurudev on May 23, 1962.
All-Inspired, Harmonious Action
Aravamudam, a school-going youngster, had been attracted to the huge pandal the previous year thinking a drama was being staged. Learning that a Swami was going to speak, his friends and he were about to leave when Pujya Gurudev’s reverberating “Om” arrested his attention. He addressed Pujya Gurudev: “Respected Swamiji, your language is so simple that even students like me were able to follow you. Our understanding was made easier by your examples, jokes, and what you amusingly called your Kathakali. It is probably much easier to teach history, geography, and mathematics. To teach this science which includes the inner makeup of human beings and how to change their approach by changing their outlook, is rather difficult unless the teacher himself had perfected, by Sadhana of several years. Swamiji practices sincerely what He preaches. So, Respected Swamiji, your guidance is very essential for us in this age. You are the person who should shape our future.” It was the voice of the future that gratefully recognized the scriptural wealth that Pujya Gurudev strived to give them.
Following that, Sri. Ramnath Iyer, recalled how Pujya Gurudev had endowed Chittoor with a new vision. And, Shri Sudhakar, the district Forest Officer, acknowledged how Pujya Gurudev’s yajna had given him a goal and noble path in life.
With great affection, Pujya Gurudev began His 104th Jnana Yajna: “Our Rshis the great seekers, and Acharyas, the master technicians of life, analyzed life and probed into actions which are nothing but manifestations of life. In order to discipline life, one should strive to discipline action. Thereby a harmony is created and thus harmonious living is the great goal of life.”
Introducing the texts to be studied for that purpose at Chittoor, He added, “The third chapter of Gita and Ishavasya Upanishad are chosen because these two texts teach us, or rather guide us in situations that we are facing today. Our doubts, fears are all quelled by taking a wholesome attitude and working unceasingly throughout our lifetime without fear of prejudices.”
Pujya Gurudev’s 104th yajna, culminating in a special yatra to Tiruvannamalai, edified the path of glorious action dedicated to the Omnipresent Divinity.
A Meditation Minute:
यथा वृद्धिं प्राप्नुवन्ति तथा यत्नं करोति सः । सर्वदा सर्वभावेन सद्गुरुर्नो यतीश्वरः ॥७॥
yathā vṛddhiṃ prāpnuvanti tathā yatnaṃ karoti saḥ । sarvadā sarvabhāvena sadgururno yatīśvaraḥ ॥7॥
- As these will grow, so does our Sadguru – the Lord of ascetics – put for effort consistently and whole-heartedly.
We salute most respectfully, our Pujya Gurudev, whose life was an unbroken penance. Carrying the teachings of His Guru, Swami Tapovanam, Pujya Gurudev Himself was a moving forest of Tapas, redefining the realm of actions as selfless yajnas. That was His vision for Chinmaya Mission – for actions, noble and uplifting, to finally be sublimated in Pure Knowledge.

“Think,” Says Pujya Gurudev
The purification of the motives is possible only when the mind is made to constantly sing the Divine Songs praising the glories of the Self. In the song of Truth the heart begins to throb with the highest Divine impulses. Actions performed in the outer world by such an individual are no more than ordinary actions but they become expressions of the Supreme Will through that individual. When the limited ego is replaced by the constant feeling of the Lord as “I am the Supreme” such an individual becomes the most efficient instrument for the expression of the Divine Will.
Not only is it sufficient that we renounce thus all wrong actions, but we have to make a few adjustments in our inner instrument in order to bring out an unobstructive flow of the Creator’s Will through us. They are indicated here by the two terms “without hopes” and “without ego.”
From Tyagi Magazine
How to control sense organs?
In the captivating teachings of Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda, he unveils the profound truth: when desire eclipses understanding, even the wisest falter. Like a raging forest fire, desire engulfs the senses, mind, and intellect, undermining inner harmony. He urges us to master the senses first, for they guard the treasury of our hard-earned wisdom.