Jnana Yajna 26

Year & Dates:
January 13, 1957 to February 02, 1957

Yajna Topic:
Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 3

Palakkad, India.
The 26th Jnana Yajna of Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda in Palakkad began with zest and ended on a poignant note. On January 13, 1957, Sri Ramakrishna Rao, the Governor of Kerala, inaugurated the yajna, praising the Yajna scheme that took Vedanta to the very doors of people. Since Gita stood for the synthesis of the practical and spiritual in life, Chinmaya yajnashalas were an urgent need in the country. Introducing the theme of Bhagavad Gita, Pujya Gurudev emphasized that it showed how to build one’s spiritual stamina, face life with a smile, and spread happiness. He clarified: “ The way to apply philosophy and live it according to the context of the times is Religion.”
The Tapovana Vratam
During one of his morning satsangs on Viveka Choodamani, on January 20th, telegrams from Uttarkashi and Delhi brought the sorrowful news of Parama Guru Swami Tapovanam’s Mahasamadhi on the full moon day of January 16, 1957. On hearing that His most adored Guru had dropped the mortal frame, Pujya Gurudev closed His eyes for a few seconds in silent prostrations. Saying “More responsibility devolves on me now,” he resumed His satsang. That evening, instead of the Gita discourse, another disciple, Pandit Gopalan Nair, spoke about Swami Tapovanam, the “Glory of Himalayas.” The audience chanted Gita chapters 1 & 2 and dispersed in reverent silence.
Pujya Gurudev continued the Jnana Yajna the next day, roaring the message of the scriptures that His incomparable Guru of Uttarkashi had taught. All the regular features of the Yajna like the Akhanda Kirtan, the Havan, and even His scheduled addresses to the local colleges, schools were completed. Facing a most heart-rending loss, Pujya Gurudev epitomized His supreme love for His Guru through firm Abidance as His homage, modeling the Karma Yoga He extolled.
In Admiration
“A God without a temple, a Veda without a language…a monumental expression of an ideal Vedantic Teacher, “ wrote Pujya Gurudev in His eulogy for His venerable Guru. In His last meeting, Parama Guru Swami Tapovan said, “What is strange in Death? Death is only one of the experiences which the Atman illumines. We are not dying stuff. We are the Self.”
Pujya Gurudev reaffirmed in His tribute: “Hindu revival is the Tapovana Vratam”
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“Think,” Says Pujya Gurudev
Here Krishna says that a man of Self-realization also works in the world with as much diligence and sincerely, tireless enthusiasm and enervating joy, burning hopes and scalding energy, as any ordinary man striving in the competitions of the market-place. The only difference between the two is in that, while the ignorant acts and is motivated in his actions by his “attachments and anxieties for the fruits,” a man of Godly intentions or complete Perfection will work in the world, without attachment, only for the purpose of the redemption of the world.
From Tyagi Magazine
Parents beware, Children are Watching!
In Pujya Gurudev’s inimitable manner, He gives us a 101 on Parenting by clearly highlighting how each parent is a leader for their child and the influence parents have on their children’s behavior and values. Discover how children closely observe and imitate their parents, emphasizing the importance of leading by positive example in shaping future generations.