Jnana Yajna 33

Year & Dates:
October 08, 1957 to October 29, 1957

Yajna Topic:
Ishavasya Upanishad

Hyderabad, India.
Only ten months before, just as 1957 was ushered in, thousands had thronged the Andhra Yuvathi Mandali, Barkatpura in Hyderabad. They had tasted the sweet devotion and recognized the field and the Knowing Principle that Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda had presented through the Gita Jnana Yajna of chapters 12 and 13. With their spiritual appetite kindled, they assembled again on October 8, 1957 at 6 pm. After Col. K. N. Waghray, President of the Yajna Committee, hoisted the Om flag, he began, “Swami Chinmayanandaji has chosen Ishavasya Upanishad as the theme of His discourse this time. The purpose of this Upanishad is to teach the essential unity of God and this world.”
Selfless, Spiritual Outlook
Pujya Gurudev’s choice was timely since spiritual and material integration of the modern man was the need of the hour, in the turbulent 1950s, especially in India; only the enduring wisdom of the Upanishads could offer a comprehensive and lasting solution. Shri Bhimsen Sachar, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh, who inaugurated the yajna and unveiled the portrait of Adi Shankaracharya, appealed for a changed outlook based on scriptural understanding. In His opening discourse, Pujya Gurudev was forthright and clear: “Turning to God in darkness is not true religion, and it would only amount to temporary adjustment and compromise. True religion means a correct understanding of the questions like ‘Who am I? From where have I come? And what is the purpose of life?’”
To build that understanding, Pujya Gurudev explained, in His morning sessions, the path to Self-Awareness using the succinct verses of Atma Bodha written by Adi Shankaracharya. Then, His discourses in the evening on the pithy 18 verses of the Ishavasya Upanishad made the audience review the world in a different, divine light. The majestic vision that Pujya Gurudev inspired in the audience was evident in the other limbs of the Jnana Yajna – the soulful Akhanda Kirtan, the devout Maha Mrtyunjaya Homa, the purifying sprinkling of Ganga waters, as well as the sacred bath and prayers at the Vemulawada Uma Maheshwara temple 130 miles from Hyderabad. Whether in the yajnashala or through His lectures to students of Osmania University, Pujya Gurudev unceasingly steered everyone to look out with a unifying Upanishadic lens and make work a selfless offering.
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“Think,” Says Pujya Gurudev
The Upanishads have glorified sweat and toil to the highest pinnacles of recognition. ‘Dignity of Labour’ is nowhere so openly declared and religiously glorified as in the Hindu scriptures. Dedicated and noble work alone can polish the animal-man to a state of true cultural and right discipline. To those who know what it is, work is not a slavery or a drudgery but it is the Chutney of life. But when a dissipated and demoralized generation have in their misconstrued enthusiasm fallen off their track into a disastrous wreckage, they tumble down into the pits of “more wages and less hours”!! To them even “no work and all money” would still be only a state of terrible and agonizing discontentment!! Man is not born to revel in idleness.
From Ishavasya Upanishad Book
You are Searching in the Wrong Place!
As we unravel the mysteries of consciousness and reality, we confront a fundamental question: are we searching in the wrong place? In this thought-provoking discourse, learn how to transcend worldly distractions and turn your attention towards the ultimate reality, Paramatma. Prepare to shift your perspective and embark on a quest for deeper understanding and inner awakening.