Jnana Yajna 45

Year & Dates:
September 03, 1958 to September 24, 1958

Yajna Topic:
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita- Chapter 12 & 13

Palakkad (Palghat), India.
The rain clouds had emptied themselves, washing the earth, like an anticipatory abhisheka. The monsoon’s intense downpour in Palakkad, which worried the organizers of the 45th Jnana Yajna, quietened as the sun shone with cheer; Pujya Gurudev was welcomed grandly with temple honors at the famous Bhagavati temple at Vadakkanthara on September 3, 1958. Inaugurating the Yagna, the Prince Marthanda Varman of Travancore pointed out how the Gita was taught “by the Lord Himself not in a classroom or under the shade of a tree but on a battlefront at a time when action was imminent.” Sri K.S. Ramaswami Shastri, a patron spoke on Gita’s universality saying: “It is a scripture for every member in the human family; it makes reference not to just Hindus and Indians alone, but addresses in general terms like Manusyha, Bhoota, Jana, Nara etc.”
Nourishing Young Ideals
Pujya Gurudev asked the audience to recognize how the Gita was a heroic manual not just in a crisis but in the game of life. It was about “how to receive stimuli from the world and send out readily the right responses – for a fuller, happier life.” The 21-day camp with Vivekachudamani classes in the morning and the yajna discourses on the Bhakti and Kshetra Kshetrajna Vibhaga Yogas immersed everyone in devotion and deep contemplation.
The youth of Palakkad Victoria College were specially blessed when Pujya Gurudev inaugurated their student union, reminding them about their duty to self and the world. On September 6th, He visited a children’s branch of the Mission at Marutharode near Palakkad. Speaking to parents, Pujya Gurudev placed emphasis on the betterment of children, for, at a tender age, it is easy to give their minds the right inclination and put them in the proper channel to grow. He noted how a spiritual culture was India’s flag post and reminded that Chinmaya Mission aimed at cultural renaissance which required the participation of children with their parents. The very young, the youth in their prime, the mature, and the aged – Pujya Gurudev embraced, encouraged, and enlightened without a pause. Palakkad and its surrounding villages were enchanted by the magnetic personality and the spiritual power of Pujya Gurudev.
The Gita Havana concluded on September 14th, and an enthusiastic group of adults and children boarded special railway carriages and buses with bhajans and kirtans for Avabhrta Snaana in Coimbatore. Pujya Gurudev arranged for a devotionally memorable trip with darshan at Perur Pateeshvara temple famous for its svayambhu linga and amazingly intricate sculptures. The 45th Jnana Yajna was another wholesome experience of spiritual living. And, Pujya Gurudev motivated blossoming generations to get enlisted in the Vedantic Renaissance.
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“Think,” Says Pujya Gurudev
In all activities, a seeker should be, by the very nature of his philosophy, one who is ever devoted in tirelessly serving the entire living kingdom. Love for all beings becomes his creed; wiping away their tears and replacing them by smiles and laughter becomes his profession and life’s fulfillment.
From Bhagavad Gita- Chapter 12, Book
In this mechanical age, it is very easy to understand that there must be a field for an energy to play; and that then alone, it can manifest as work-done and serve man. Steam energy cannot be resolved into locomotion unless it is made to pass through a steam-engine. Electricity cannot give us breeze unless it passes through the engine of a fan. Thus an engine is the “field” through which the right type of energy, when sent, manifests. The equipments through which Life passes when an individuality is expressed, that assembly of matter-layers, is defined by Krishna as the “Field.”
From Bhagavad Gita- Chapter 13, Book
If you are Facing Terrible Sorrow!
Here is an excerpt from the teachings of Swami Chinmayananda on how to navigate the inevitable cycles of joy and sorrow in life. Discover how to maintain balance amidst life’s fluctuations by cultivating a steadfast devotion and unswerving focus on the divine. Learn to embrace each moment with equanimity, knowing that joy and sorrow are transient experiences on the path to spiritual growth.