Jnana Yajna 5

Year & Dates:
February 14, 1954 to March 26, 1954

Yajna Topic:

Madurai, India.
In the sacred town of Goddess Meenakshi and Lord Sundareshwara, Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda expounded on Prashnopanishad every evening during his 41-day, fifth Jnana Yagna. His discourses painted a striking picture of the six advanced disciples approaching Sage Pippalaada with their philosophical questions about creation, worship, sadhana, the realms of dream and deep sleep, and the seat of the Eternal Self. However, His eloquence was not just with His words. Ending every session with twenty minutes of meditation, His teaching of the powerful impact of Silence was what stunned most of the 2300-strong audience everyday.
The Magic of Meditation
As much as the audience was captivated by His incredibly rational, scientific explanations, they were enthralled by the way Pujya Gurudev would carry the thousands in the crowd as one to the heights of silence. Being a Master Teacher, He was aware that the modern minds were too hurried and fragmented to latch onto the evolved thought patterns in any Upanishad. So, the aspect of meditation that He had mindfully incorporated from His first yajna provided the perfect base; it encouraged seekers and showed how the abstract spirit of Vedantic learning could be imbibed practically. In the silence of meditation, the potent teachings of the Upanishad became greatly amplified. The ardent seekers of Madurai who had tasted the sweet silence strived to practice meditation regularly after that fifth yajna.
In Admiration
Mrs. Kamala from Madurai beautifully encapsulates the core of her experience attending Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda’s Yajnas: Swamiji’s Yajnas can be otherwise termed as “Vedanta Made Easy.” It is not only easily understandable, but also convincing. The practice of meditation at the end of the daily discourses is the practical experiment, after the exposition of the theory earlier, which goes a very long way to help the seekers in their endeavour to realize what life in reality is. It is impossible to discontinue the practice of sitting up for a few minutes of meditation, after undergoing the rigourous training every evening under Swamiji’s direction. It certainly helps one to develop the proper attitude towards life as such, and greet its apparent miseries with a smile.
If one attends Swamiji’s Yajna with utmost sincerity, understands the discourses properly and practises regularly, one will, without the least hesitation, admit that “The Yajna Acts.”
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“Think,” Says Pujya Gurudev
This spiritual experience, the story here (in Prashnopanishad) clearly indicates the importance of austerity, brahmacharya and faith. Austerity redeems the personality in the seeker from its inertia; brahmacharya relieves his psychological and intellectual debilities; and faith sharpens his intensity and sincerity in meditation. Without these three, life on the spiritual path cannot ever be graced with full and easy success.
From Prashnopanishad Book, p. 34
With egocentric misconceptions about himself, as the ego observes a world, the ego must necessarily seek to know how it has been created. Here, the intellect is trying to know how the mind is living upon its own perceptions. It is something like the tooth wheels in the rollers of the cinematograph wondering and enquiring how the film is moving! The movement; if the film is but their own movement; if the wheels stop, the film also must stop.
From Prashnopanishad Book, p. 41
God is the world of Plurality
Unveil the intricate relationship between food, prana, and God. Understand the profound simplicity that lies within the analysis of creation and its connection to our own spiritual purity. Watch this excerpt from Prashnopanishad of Gurudev from Mumbai 1987