Jnana Yajna 54

Year & Dates:
February 22, 1959 to March 24, 1959

Yajna Topic:

Hyderabad, India.
The symbol of a new spiritual awakening during a time when India shortchanged her spiritual vitality for material advancement – This was how Pujya Gurudev was welcomed by the Hyderabad Yajna committee president, Shri Daulat Rai on the evening of February 22, 1959, in the spacious Sarojini Devi Hall. And, in His inaugural address, Shri Thimma Reddy, Minister for Agriculture, added that India needed wise, sagely guidance to safeguard her recent independence and recapture her old glory. Pujya Gurudev began the 54th Jnana Yajna with a caution: “The responsibility of reviving our cultural heritage should not lie on the shoulders of the sannyasins and the mahatmas alone. It should be equally shared by one and all, and each one of us should pledge ourselves to this noble cause of rediscovering our own past glory. Such a thing can be brought about not by ascertaining our rights but by accepting our duties.”
Pledging Spiritual Revival
The concluding words of the Chinmaya Mission Pledge echoes how true revival is an individual and shared journey – “ We know our responsibilities. Give us the ability and courage to fulfill them.” Pujya Gurudev brought to the forefront how India’s ancient rishis had given the human race, through the upanishadic revelations, the know-how and ability to build an integrated life. And, with every Jnana Yajna, Pujya Gurudev kept reinforcing both the goal and the way. In Hyderabad, it was the unparalleled Kathopanishad that would illustrate the narrow path to expansive happiness.
It is an upanishad that tugs at the heart speaking to the Nachiketa that we all aspire to be. No wonder, the yajnashala couldn’t hold the crowds that rushed in even at 5 pm to find a place in front of Pujya Gurudev who strode in like a spiritual colossus at 6:30 pm. His words, expressions, jokes, warnings, and blinding clarity etched the verses of Kathopanishad in those ready hearts.
On the Sunday of March 14th, Pujya Gurudev arranged a magnificent Vishnu Sahasranama Laksharchana.The daylong worship before a lustrous murti of Vishnu with continuous archana with beautiful flowers, fervent chanting, and many aratis transported everyone to the glorious realm of blissful Bhakti.
A truly spiritual bonanza, Pujya Gurudev elaborated on the glory of Gita’s Bhakti Yoga, Chapter 12, in the Balaji Bhavan Hall from 8 am to 9 am. Finishing that, He taught Aitareya Upanishad. From March 16th, He delved into Adi Shankara’s melodious five Praatah Smaraami verses. An exceptional feature was when Pujya Gurudev expounded on Viveka Choodamani from March 25th, this time sitting under a tree in the very early dawn. Hundreds gathered for those idyllic discourses. Apart from being bathed in exemplary Vedanta, the Avabhrta snaana on March 22nd in the sacred Krishna river and the divine prayers at the ancient Vedaadri temple was an experience beyond words. The 54th Jnana Yajna of Pujya Gurudev’s gave all the ability to rediscover the many blessings of Bharat.
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“Think,” Says Pujya Gurudev
This question whether there is existence after death or not is not one which belongs to the Realm of the Mind and the Intellect. These instruments of feeling and knowing do, at their best, give us only some vague directions pointing towards a World of knowledge that actually lies spread out beyond their own frontiers. In order to travel towards that Land of Pure Knowledge the ordinary mortal, however intellectual and sensitive he may be, has not the necessary vehicle. It is only the great Masters of renunciation and wisdom who have specially developed their intuitive faculty that can at will take one into these Realms Beyond.
In short, such transcendental questions cannot be explained by words and established through any of the ordinarily known ‘proofs of knowledge’ such as Direct-perceptions, Inference Comparison etc. The only way to solve them is through the Agamas, which are the words of Wisdom given out by men of greater realization to the saints and Sages.
From Kathopanishad Yajna Prasad
No one can give this to you!
Exploring through this short excerpt the rarity of true understanding between master and student. Through insightful anecdotes and timeless wisdom, Swamiji sheds light on the prerequisites for genuine comprehension and the profound impact of a rare encounter with spiritual truth.