Jnana Yajna 56

Year & Dates:
April 19, 1959 to May 08, 1959

Yajna Topic:

Kolkata (Calcutta), India.
Even the sheets of rain storm that inundated Kolkata on the opening day of the 56th Jnana Yajna became the ideal backdrop for vichara (contemplation) in Pujya Gurudev’s perspective. After the president of the yajna committee, Hon’ble Justice P. B. Mukharji inaugurated the Jnana Yajna on Kenopanishad, Pujya Gurudev pointed out how the storms of life spark the search within. He talked about the crucial difference between the points of view of materialists and the ancient sages. He used the analogy of a ripple that arises when a stone is tossed on a calm lake – from the center, the ripple naturally expands outward in concentric circles. Conversely, a materialist attempts an unnatural reverse order hoping to converge at the center of happiness. While a materialist tries to keep rearranging the outside world, the sages declare: “Improve the man to improve the world.”
The Untiring Journey Within
Pujya Gurudev brought the attention of the Kolkata audience who braved the storm to the analysis of Kenopanishad. In the three weeks of discourses, He encouraged all seekers to focus on the core that energizes the ripples of life’s activities. In that fourth yajna at Kolkata, the admirable consistency of Pujya Gurudev shone through. It took one back to 1951, to His introduction to Kenopanishad in the very first yajna. Pujya Gurudev had narrated the way Chinmaya pointed the rising sliver of the crescent Moon to His companions on a bright cloudless sky. He had systematically guided the attention of the companions first to a mango tree nearby, then to its branch arching north, to the two leaves nodding in the breeze, carefully nudging their vision to look between the leaves, and finally up at the beautiful crescent in the sky.
Using that proven way of Brahma Vidya to turn within and then ‘see the Unseen,’ Pujya Gurudev systematically prepared the audience of Kolkata to turn their vision from yonder to within – to the Truth, the Indescribable Self.
The frequency of yajnas across cities was increasing; Pujya Gurudev’s schedule was tight. He had traveled all the way from the 55th Jnana Yajna at Kannur in Kerala to the 56th yajna in Kolkata, West Bengal. But the miles of travel had no hold on Him. His energy had a transcendental source, and it was His incredible persistence that enabled people to strive for that crucial “about-turn” in vision.
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“Think,” Says Pujya Gurudev
But we in our preoccupations with life refuse to look into the within, the Centre of Light – the Light of Truth – but fix our gaze ever outwards! We attach much value to things material, gross, and physical. We miss the Divine Spark and see only the reflected beam! We applaud a modern scientist, a Western Psychologist, who has thrown some light as to the secrets of the psychical elements or the superficial human characteristics. If reflected light can give so much of glory, then what would be the condition and glory of one who is the very embodiment of Truth, THE CENTRE OF THE CENTRE?
From Kenopanishad Yajna Prasad
Don’t be a Slave!
Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda brings the wisdom of Kenopanishad to life with humor and relatable anecdotes. Through the analogy of the owner and the vehicle, Swamiji explores the pitfalls of attachment and blind fascination. Discover how to break free from enslavement to worldly possessions and uncover the true master within.