Jnana Yajna 94

Year & Dates:
September 24, 1961 to October 13, 1961

Yajna Topic:
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita- Chapter 2

Vijaywada, India
Vijayawada felt victorious when Pujya Gurudev accepted its invitation to conduct the 94th Jnana Yajna there. The Vedantic Master had agreed to teach Sankhya Yoga, the transcendental second chapter of the Gita, from September 24 to October 13, 1961. With the precious memories and lessons of the 75th Jnana Yajna (which was Vijayawada’s first) still lingering in the minds of the seekers, sadhakas, and sevaks, preparations began zestfully for the second time.
Every Jnana Yajna of Pujya Gurudev was conceived with care, nourished with mindful efforts, and delivered in a spirit of surrender. True to that trend, from the minute the Raja Saheb of Muktyala announced the happy news of the Master’s Presence for a rare window of three weeks, a reception committee, a yajna committee, and a finance committee were formed to direct all operations for a flawless offering.
Fragrant Essence and Supreme Purifier
Aside from the invaluable insights that Pujya Gurudev gave when He distilled the Highest essence of philosophy and knowledge from the unparalleled chapter 2 of Bhagavan’s Krishna’s Gita, His sagacious guidance during the Second All India Chinmaya Mission Conference held toward the end of the yajna indicate His uncompromising Vision. About 126 delegates assembled in the new hall of the Rice Mill Owners Association on October 9, 1961. While the first conference held at the end of August 1958 in Chennai was themed “Dynamic, integrated Hinduism,” the second conference held from October 9-11 at Vijayawada was inaugurated by Pujya Gurudev with His call to “Concentrate on Individual Development.” Some excerpts from His inaugural address to soak in are:
- For want of an appropriate word, we have taken this term ‘Mission’ to indicate our organization. But, we do not convert others; we convert ourselves.
- Lay the foundation strong. Serve yourself by serving others. If the ground is not ready, if the beauty of life has not come up, remember, the structure cannot be raised. Even if constructed, it will not stand there.
- Unless the members of the Mission are spiritually inclined, I have nothing to do with the Mission. The idea must be spiritual awakening.
- Don’t depend upon opinions. Even if Lord Krishna were to come, a Shishupaala would be there to protest and criticize. Let opinions become a sort of incentive for you to check yourselves up.
- Service must be our prayer, upaasana, our japa, and our archana to the Lord.
- Whenever you are invited to a place or a temple, do not boast. Let not the ego come up in any form – We are only seekers. We are not Siddhas. While trying to develop ourselves, we are trying to share what we have.
- Our Blueprint: Every Group leader must become a Chinmaya. Your own sincerity and tapascharya counts.The path of Truth is laid with truth. These ideas, if you do not bring them into your life, who else can bring them?
- We are trying to make artistic perfection. It is not large-scale production. Hand-made perfection is our attempt.
The Vision He spelled out then inspired, one by one, to build the worldwide Chinmaya Mission we celebrate now.
A Meditation Minute:
श्रीखण्डमण्डितमनोज्ञविशालभालं श्रीचिन्मयं गुरुवरं हृदि भावयामि ॥५॥
śrīkhaṇḍamaṇḍitamanojñaviśālabhālaṃ śrīcinmayaṃ guruvaraṃ hṛdi bhāvayāmi ॥5॥
“I meditate in my heart upon Śrī Chinmaya, the best of teachers, whose large forehead is decorated pleasingly with sandalwood paste, and whose nectarine words expounding the essence of Supreme Wisdom are the Gaṅgā waters that wash all the sins of the world.”
- Chinmaya Ashtakam verse 5
With His broad forehead anointed by the fragrance of timeless scriptures, Pujya Gurudev sprinkled the purifying waters of the Highest Knowledge in our lives. His words, sweet and strong, held the power to avert our downfalls and uplift us to greater possibilities. To that sanctifying Preceptor, “Sri Chinmaya,” our heartfelt prostrations.
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“Think,” Says Pujya Gurudev
In all such activities, when the worker has gained almost a self-forgetfulness, he will not care for the success or failure of his activity because to worry for the results is to worry for the future moment, and to live in the future is not to live in the present. Inspiration is the joyous content of thrilled ecstasy of each immediate moment. It is said that the contents of a moment in itself is the entire Infinite Bliss.
Established thus in equanimity, renouncing all ego-centric-attachments, forgetting to worry over the results of success or failure, in our activities, act on, says Krishna to Arjuna, and he adds that the great Yoga is to work thus with equipoise in all situations.
From Tyagi Magazine
The Pain of Attachment!
This video highlights the interconnectedness of attachment, fear, and anger, highlighting how attachment breeds fear for the security of loved ones. It illustrates how the removal of fear can quickly transform into anger, stemming from the disappointment of unmet expectations. And emphasizes that true contemplative individuals transcend these emotions by relinquishing attachment for worldly objects, achieving a state of inner peace and detachment.