Jnana Yajna 99

Year & Dates:
January 09, 1962 to January 30, 1962

Yajna Topic:
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita- Chapter 12

Guntur, India
A city in the lowland plains of the Krishna river delta in Andhra Pradesh, Guntur, dubbed the “land of chillies” looked forward to the sweet taste of devotion when Pujya Gurudev accepted its invitation to hold His 99th Jnana Yajna there. What was especially sweet was that it was the first yajna of Pujya Gurudev’s at Guntur.
Welcomed on the evening of January 9, 1962, with the Purna Kumbha and the vibrant, auspicious notes of the Mangala Vaadya, Pujya Gurudev witnessed the ‘Om’ flag ride up high on the post. Sri Eka Anjaneyulu, the President of the Yagna Committee, hoisted it and signaled the beginning of that Jnana Yajna in the happily populated quadrangle of the local women’s college. As the fluttering flag galvanized the atmosphere, Sri. P. H. Vittal Rao welcomed Pujya Gurudev and Dr. Narayana, the Vice Chancellor of Andhra University on behalf of the yajna committee and the lively people of Guntur.
With Faith and Great Kindness
Addressing Pujya Gurudev with great regard, Sri Eka Anjenyulu eulogized: “Your appreciation of religion as a scientific arrangement of higher thoughts of the soul and of life, has reawakened and rekindled the hope of humanity in the pursuit of Truth and Knowledge. Our ancient religion, though embedded in the heart of every living soul, has however lost its significance and effectiveness through the artificial superimposition of superstition, and its meaning is lost in the desert sands of blind and crazy belief. Your mission has unshackled religion from the yoke of orthodoxy. You are the seer and sage, the preceptor and preacher, the philosopher and prophet, and your mission to impart wisdom to mankind is the noblest service. You nobly emulate the divine path shown by the great Shankara, who preached the message of God through the length and breadth of Bharat.”
Inaugurating the Yagna, Dr. Narayana gave an introductory outline of the importance of Srimad Bhagavad Gita and its structure. He stated, “If one explores the Gita well, there is no need to study any other scripture. It is, therefore, superfluous to stress the greatness of the Gita. It consists of 18 chapters, with a total of 700 verses. It was expounded by Krishna to Arjuna. Starting with the despondency of Arjuna, the Gita concludes with the chapter, Moksha Sanyasa Yoga, Absolute Emancipation.” He pointed out how Bhagavan Krishna, through the verses of Chapter 12 – Bhakti Yoga, declared that the path of faith and devotion is the best way to reach Him.
“The quest of human intellect would find its satiation only on the lap of God, and religion is the way that takes you to that consummation,” asserted Pujya Gurudev as His 99th yajna unfolded. His morning classes on Kenopanishad were held in the Hindu College premises. Every successive day, the audience grew not just in numbers but in their Bhakti and Jnana, more faithful and full of reverent wonder about both Pujya Gurudev and the Gita.
A Meditation Minute:
संस्कृतेर्वीक्ष्य हानिं च भारतस्य च दुःस्थितिम् । द्रवितं हृस्य वदयं यन्देऽहं तं महामुनिम् ॥२॥
saṃskṛtervīkṣya hāniṃ ca bhāratasya ca duḥsthitim । dravitaṃ hṛdayaṃ yasya vande’haṃ taṃ mahāmunim ॥2॥
- I salute that great sage who’s heart melts seeing the decline in the culture and India’s sad condition.
We gratefully revere Pujya Gurudev’s kindhearted and lifelong seva to Sanatana Dharma. His selfless, multifaceted approach at a crucial juncture to revive the cultural and spiritual heritage of India soon expanded to empower both Indians and all aspirants worldwide.
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“Think,” Says Pujya Gurudev
Merely to ruminate over a decorated marble symbol of the Eternal Child is not in itself sufficient food for the inner personality of man. The intellectual aspect in us is starved, although the heart nestles in satisfaction at the sofy feet of the Lord. Any over-development is but ugliness; perfection is harmony and uniform growth. Therefore, technically it is but true when Geeta advises that the devotee must bring his discriminative intellect to pierce through the stony idol to contact the pulsating Truth it represents.
“Pierce the intellect into Me”:- to contact thereby the cosmic total intellect which is Lord’s equipment.
Every one of us at any given moment is a sum-total of what we think and what we feel. If our minds are resting on the Lord and our intellect has dived into the very bowels of the Infinite our individuality ends and we merge to become one with the Infinite, the All-pervading. Therefore, the Lord says that “Thereafter thou shalt live in Me”.
From Tyagi Magazine
Three Precautions You Must Take!
Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda warns seekers of 3 precautions that we need to keep in mind when performing all our actions leading to inner alignment and spiritual upliftment.