Sometimes a line of advice from the Swami could have a great impact on a child. Rohit Nene wrote to Gurudev in detail about his dog and here is the reply he received:

Thank you for your dog-life letter!!
See what an amount of attention, effort, love are necessary to look after a mere dog. How much more your parents must struggle to mould you, train you and feed you to make you a perfect gentleman and a dynamic person capable of facing all ‘problems’ in your world!!!
Jai Jai Jagadeeswara!
Swami Chinmayananda

In his dealings with children, Gurudev ensured that they develop the right values. Here is an incident that Swamini Kaivalyananda remembers.

Once Swamiji was staying with a host who had a grand-daughter. Every morning she would wear her uniform and come to Gurudev, who would feed her the first morsel from his breakfast. One day, she was not wearing her uniform, but was dressed in coloured clothes. Apparently it was the day the host was offering a bhiksha to Gurudev. “Why aren’t you going to school?” asked Gurudev, but the child did not reply, nor did she go to school. Gurudev ignored the child all through the morning and during the bhiksha. It was unusual because generally he would fuss over her and shower her with attention. The child was very upset at this and cried a lot. Later in the evening, Gurudev cuddled her as usual, making it very clear that she must not miss school on any account.

Narendra Veer Madnani, who joined a boarding school, received the following advice from Gurudev.

Score. Be free with all. Mingle with everyone. Make use of your tutors and house masters. Be friendly with all students.
Never for a day miss your prayers. If morning you cannot, do it in the evening. Let His grace flow towards you from all sides. Remember your noble father and divine mother each night and mentally prostrate to them.
Love, Love, Love
Swami Chinmayananda

At the same time, Gurudev made it very clear where the priority lay.

Now I heard all about your sports, games, fiddling from the roof etc. But these are all side-dishes. The main meal is your scholastic progress. No. This is very disappointing. Of what use is your health, games, sports, a few medals if you are not scoring in your studies. No…
Swami Chinmayananda

Two sisters received their instructions very clearly in this letter as to what the priority was.

It is not right that you two don’t go to school just because Swamiji has come. Religion and spiritual living should make the devotee more conscientious and dutiful towards life. Your duties now are to study and attend classes. That is your dharma. You should never give up your dharma.
Swami Chinmayananda

When a child was unable to cope with the studies and secure good marks, Gurudev was compassionate and supportive.

The very desire to get the ‘first’ is cheating you from your success. Surrender it to the Lord. Just study hard and be ready to accept whatever the Lord gives.
Swami Chinmayananda

Parents can learn a lot from the way Gurudev counselled children about handling the exams.

Relax. Don’t worry. Stop all excitements and unnecessary fears of exam. Then you will score more. When we have our surrender to “Wahe Guru”, relaxation comes automatically. You then work in inspired brilliancy, be it in sport or in work.
Swami Chinmayananda

Along with studies, Gurudev encouraged children to participate in extra-curricular activities.

How is your tennis play? Are you regular and fix your eyes on the ball on the time in each stroke?
Swami Chinmayananda

He stressed all around development.

Never give up your daily prayers. Be the best student in the Eglon School both in studies, in games, and in hiking, mountaineering, camping out etc. Be an all-rounder. This means you will have to be alert and dynamic mentally at all times. Vacation time you can come home and meet parents.
Love your brothers. Respect your father. Revere your mother.
Swami Chinmayananda

Advice on how to take care of siblings, especially younger ones.

You are the elder brother and so should protect and love your twin brothers – even when they are mischievous. They are our brother always.
Swami Chinmayananda

Sometimes a line of advice from the Swami could have a great impact on a child.Rohit Nene wrote to Gurudev in detail about his dog and here is the reply he received:

Thank you for your dog-life letter!!
See what an amount of attention, effort, love are necessary to look after a mere dog. How much more your parents must struggle to mould you, train you and feed you to make you a perfect gentleman and a dynamic person capable of facing all ‘problems’ in your world!!!
Jai Jai Jagadeeswara!
Swami Chinmayananda

In his dealings with children, Gurudev ensured that they develop the right values. Here is an incident that Swamini Kaivalyananda remembers.
Once Swamiji was staying with a host who had a grand-daughter. Every morning she would wear her uniform and come to Gurudev, who would feed her the first morsel from his breakfast. One day, she was not wearing her uniform, but was dressed in coloured clothes. Apparently it was the day the host was offering a bhiksha to Gurudev. “Why aren’t you going to school?” asked Gurudev, but the child did not reply, nor did she go to school. Gurudev ignored the child all through the morning and during the bhiksha. It was unusual because generally he would fuss over her and shower her with attention. The child was very upset at this and cried a lot. Later in the evening, Gurudev cuddled her as usual, making it very clear that she must not miss school on any account.

Narendra Veer Madnani, who joined a boarding school, received the following advice from Gurudev.
Score. Be free with all. Mingle with everyone. Make use of your tutors and house masters. Be friendly with all students.
Never for a day miss your prayers. If morning you cannot, do it in the evening. Let His grace flow towards you from all sides. Remember your noble father and divine mother each night and mentally prostrate to them.
Love, Love, Love
Swami Chinmayananda

At the same time, Gurudev made it very clear where the priority lay.
Now I heard all about your sports, games, fiddling from the roof etc. But these are all side-dishes. The main meal is your scholastic progress. No. This is very disappointing. Of what use is your health, games, sports, a few medals if you are not scoring in your studies. No…
Swami Chinmayananda

Two sisters received their instructions very clearly in this letter as to what the priority was.
It is not right that you two don’t go to school just because Swamiji has come. Religion and spiritual living should make the devotee more conscientious and dutiful towards life. Your duties now are to study and attend classes. That is your dharma. You should never give up your dharma.
Swami Chinmayananda

When a child was unable to cope with the studies and secure good marks, Gurudev was compassionate and supportive.
The very desire to get the ‘first’ is cheating you from your success. Surrender it to the Lord. Just study hard and be ready to accept whatever the Lord gives.
Swami Chinmayananda

Parents can learn a lot from the way Gurudev counselled children about handling the exams.
Relax. Don’t worry. Stop all excitements and unnecessary fears of exam. Then you will score more. When we have our surrender to “Wahe Guru”, relaxation comes automatically. You then work in inspired brilliancy, be it in sport or in work.
Swami Chinmayananda

Along with studies, Gurudev encouraged children to participate in extra-curricular activities.
Never give up your daily prayers. Be the best student in the Eglon School both in studies, in games, and in hiking, mountaineering, camping out etc. Be an all-rounder. This means you will have to be alert and dynamic mentally at all times. Vacation time you can come home and meet parents.
Love your brothers. Respect your father. Revere your mother.
Swami Chinmayananda

He stressed all around development.
How is your tennis play? Are you regular and fix your eyes on the ball on the time in each stroke?
Swami Chinmayananda

Advice on how to take care of siblings, especially younger ones.
You are the elder brother and so should protect and love your twin brothers – even when they are mischievous. They are our brother always.
Swami Chinmayananda

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Sketches for Children
Pujya Gurudev could see the world through the eyes of a child, full of innocent wonder and the joy of discovery. In many of…
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Love for Children
Pujya Gurudev shared the spontaneous and uninhibited joy of children, responding to them in the same way with a dance of joy.…
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