Most of the young people who were lucky enough to come into contact with Pujya Gurudev grew up to be highly responsible citizens that the country can be proud of. Many of them have become pillars of the Chinmaya Mission today.

He guided the young Bharati Sukhatankar, who was to do yeoman service in the Mission through the years.

Miss Bharathi
Life is a field. The more we cultivated the more is our profit. We have the freedom to be an idle farmer or an industrious one. If one is idle weeds shall grow; if active we shall gather a rich harvest.
Majority leave their wonderful extent fallow and allow weeds and therefore harbour poisonous crawlers among the luxurious weeds. If at all, they cultivate but the near courtyard of their life. The wide expanse, up to the boundaries, where the horizon dips, lie waiting for the plough-man and his life-giving touch of intelligent tenderness.
Now you choose. You are Bharathi. Look around? What is wrong with Bharat itself? Should you Bharathi then doubt? Hesitate? Jump at it. Finish the training. Whether you are going to be a teacher or not, the very training is a beautiful discipline. It cannot but give you a knowledge of some of the weaknesses inherent in our present educational system.
Carry the “torch”, wherever you go. Lovingly persuade your friends and students to think of the higher values. In your friendship let them gather the spirit of divine enthusiasm to seek, to strive and to reach the Essential Peace – the true joy of living. If teachers have culture and religion, children cannot be otherwise. Give my love to your mother and Damayanthi.
Swami Chinmayananda

Pujya Gurudev's reply to a young Sumithra, who today is Swamini Kaivalyananda, the force behind Chinmaya Archives.

Your kind letter of 20th September has come today on my return from Hubli. Your questions:
No. 1: After your dinner you are in the bed trying to sleep, you are “surrendering” yourself to sleep. The individual quietens his mind, invokes sleep and allows the sleep-state to conquor and overwhelm the tired exhausted fatigued individual. Similarly the individual “surrenders” himself and allow the Higher State of Consciousness, the Infinite Peace and Bliss to overwhelm him.
No. 2: At such a moment when the individual ego gets sucked into the Higher State of Consciousness, he experiences perfect knowledge. His mind then is zero as in the sleep your mind is zero.
Swami Chinmayananda

In a letter to Lakshmi Reddy Pujya Gurudev emphasises the importance of service and sacrifice.

Without pain joy is impossible. Without sacrifice gains are improbable. Learn to pour yourself out in the service of all others groaning in pain, but cheerful in mane – you be rewarded with joy, peace, love and kindness from above and all around.
Swami Chinmayananda

Gurudev wrote to young Siddhartha Reddy, who was unwell, not only to alleviate his immediate pain, but also to prepare him for adult life.

Your sweet letter. Life in this world is always like this — some pain will be with us all always. Even if we have no physical pains and all people love us, then we mentally create sorrows for ourselves. It has to be so.
Prayer is the only steady, joyous state. Surrender to Him all your pains. Be a hero and in spite of pains you SMILE!! You will soon get well – Jai Jai Jagadeeswara. Be regular in your japa. Do it lovingly, sincerely.
Love Love Love
Swami Chinmayananda

Gurudev teaches a young man who was training in military service how to face new situations and come to terms with the realities of life.

Children generally refuse to eat a thing which they didn’t like because of the “form” or “colour”. But when forced they come to “love” it and later on crave for it.
We also as soon as we meet a new challenge, consider it unconducive, dangerous, dirty and even abominable. But once you settle down to it, the very same situation appears comfortable, interesting and enjoyable.
Be ever ready to “face” all situations. Learn to meet all challenges and yet keep your inner balance. This is easy to one who is a devotee who can see everything as arranged by Him.
Swami Chinmayananda

Who could fail to be inspired when Gurudev wrote like this? Pranav Saran was a lucky boy to receive this letter:

Continue your daily exercises for health and strong body. Plunge yourself in study and score the best you can. The future career depends upon your healthy mind and continuous efforts. Be regular in your daily prayers and faith in yourself and in Lord’s protection fearlessly enter into your chosen field of honest action. You will never know what is failure!
Swami Chinmayananda

Youngsters were drawn by Pujya Gurudev because he could relate to the ebullient joy of life innate in youth.

Sept. middle. Sept. mid. Mid Sept. to take up any new work. Get out of that place and breath some fresh air. See a few pictures. Suck at some ice – cones. Chew chocklets. Scream! Dance! Skip! Run. Dash. Mid Sept. Start work.
Swami Chinmayananda

Gurudev tells Gayatri, whose brother is now known as Br. Atharvana Chaitanya, how to handle stage-fright:

You chanted most fluently and in our mission tune. I was very happy.
It is always very frightening when you first sing or talk to an audience. This is because of one’s own self-consciousness, ego-sense. Can I do it? What will others say? Will they accept etc. Once you surrender to Him, you have no more fear – you discover self-confidence.
Swami Chinmayananda

Another letter questions the aggressive methods used these days in the pursuit of success:

Do you really need the so called aggressive qualities for success in life. By that process even if you succeed is it worthwhile. Do you like to have the mental fears and agitations of the aggressively acquisitive Ravana, or the qualities that Rama lived. Think!!
Swami Chinmayananda

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Friend and Mentor for Youth
Swami Chinmayananda had a special affinity with the youth. He said that the future of our country lies in their hands. He had…
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Youth Education
Here we present a collection of letters from Pujya Gurudev to youth, especially teenagers concerned about their academic…
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Advice for Children
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